Will Boeing Starliner Take Sunita Williams To Space On Third Attempt Today?

With two launches called off, the Starliner is much delayed and way over budget. Some say that the problems plaguing Boeing's aviation business may also be spilling into its space business.


NASA and Boeing are poised for a critical moment today, with the much-anticipated third attempt to launch the Starliner spacecraft. This mission carries significant weight, not just for the technology and the organizations involved but also for the Indian-origin astronaut Sunita Williams, who has been waiting patiently for her chance to return to space.

The Journey So Far

The path to this launch has been fraught with challenges. Initially scheduled for earlier dates, the Starliner mission faced setbacks that forced NASA to call off the launch twice, just minutes before liftoff. These postponements have only added to the already significant delays and budget overruns associated with the project.

In the latest statement, NASA emphasized that every effort is being made to ensure a successful and safe flight for Sunita Williams and her colleague Butch Wilmore, who are set to embark on this historic journey aboard Boeing's Starliner spacecraft.

Technical Hurdles and Delays

The final preparations are underway for the launch of the Starliner Crew's test flight to the International Space Station (ISS). NASA confirmed that the Starliner spacecraft and the United Launch Alliance's (ULA) Atlas V rocket have been repositioned to the launch pad at the Space Launch Complex-41 at Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida.

The previous attempt on June 1, 2024, was scrubbed less than four minutes before liftoff due to a technical issue flagged by one of the ground computers in the rocket. The ULA has since replaced the faulty computer parts that halted the mission.

An earlier attempt on May 7, 2024, was also postponed hours before liftoff due to a technical glitch involving a valve. According to NASA, “Boeing, United Launch Alliance, and NASA scrubbed the previous launch opportunity on May 7 (India time) due to a suspect oxygen relief valve on the Atlas V rocket's Centaur second stage. Since then, teams have removed and replaced the valve and completed an assessment of the Starliner's performance and redundancy after discovering a small helium leak in the spacecraft's service module.”

Boeing's Struggles

With two launches called off, the Starliner is significantly delayed and well over budget. Many industry experts suggest that the ongoing issues in Boeing's aviation business may be spilling over into its space endeavors.

Back in 2014, NASA awarded a $4.2 billion contract to Boeing to develop a spacecraft from scratch. A decade later, the project has yet to see a single successful human space flight. In stark contrast, SpaceX, which received a similar contract for the development of Crew Dragon, delivered at an estimated cost of $2.6 billion and is already successfully ferrying astronauts to the ISS.

Sunita Williams: A Star Astronaut

Sunita Williams is a name synonymous with excellence in space exploration. She has long been a poster girl for women aspiring to fly into space. This mission will be her third space travel. Previously, she spent 322 days in space and held a record for the maximum number of spacewalk hours by a woman until Peggy Whitson surpassed her.

This mission could make history as the first woman to fly on a maiden crewed mission on a brand new space shuttle. Ms. Williams’s first space voyage spanned from December 9, 2006, to June 22, 2007. During that time, she set a record for women with four spacewalks, clocking 29 hours and 17 minutes.

The Starliner: A New Era

The Starliner is a state-of-the-art spacecraft designed to transport crew to the ISS and potentially beyond. The collaboration between NASA and Boeing aims to revitalize American space travel capabilities, reducing dependence on international partners for human spaceflight. However, the project has faced numerous technical challenges and delays, putting immense pressure on both organizations to deliver results.

Ahead of her third space journey, the 59-year-old Sunita Williams admitted to being a bit nervous but maintained that she has no jitters about flying the new spacecraft that she helped design, working closely with engineers from NASA and Boeing.

"When I reach the International Space Station, it will be like going back home," she said.

Personal Touch: Lucky Charms and Rituals

On her past flights, Sunita Williams carried her "lucky charm" – an idol of Lord Ganesh, and a copy of the Bhagwad Gita. These personal items served as a source of inspiration and comfort during her long stays in space. It remains to be seen whether she will carry these mementos on her upcoming journey.

A Critical Moment for Boeing and NASA

The upcoming launch is critical not only for the Starliner project but also for Boeing's reputation in the aerospace industry. The company has faced significant criticism for its handling of the project, particularly regarding budget overruns and repeated delays. Success with this mission could restore some faith in Boeing’s ability to deliver on its promises.

For NASA, the successful launch of the Starliner would mark a significant milestone in its ongoing efforts to maintain and expand the United States' presence in space. The agency's partnership with commercial companies like Boeing and SpaceX is a key component of its broader strategy to foster innovation and competition in the space industry.

Conclusion: Eyes on the Stars

As the final countdown begins, all eyes are on the Starliner and its crew. The launch represents not only a technical achievement but also a testament to human perseverance and the relentless pursuit of exploration. For Sunita Williams, it is another opportunity to inspire countless individuals around the world, demonstrating that with determination and teamwork, we can overcome any challenge.

The world watches with bated breath, hoping that this third attempt will finally see the Starliner take to the skies, carrying Sunita Williams and her dreams back into space. The success of this mission could herald a new era of space exploration, paving the way for future missions and technological advancements.

Final Preparations

As the clock ticks down to the scheduled launch time, the teams at NASA, Boeing, and ULA are working tirelessly to ensure that all systems are go. The spacecraft has undergone rigorous testing and assessments to address any potential issues that could arise during the mission.

The determination to succeed is palpable, as everyone involved understands the significance of this launch. Not only is it a technical milestone, but it also symbolizes the resilience and ingenuity of those who dare to dream big.

The Broader Impact

The outcome of the Starliner mission will have far-reaching implications for the future of space travel. A successful launch could bolster confidence in Boeing’s capabilities and reinforce NASA’s strategy of partnering with private companies to achieve its ambitious goals. It could also provide valuable lessons and insights that will benefit future missions and collaborations.

For Sunita Williams and her team, this mission is a culmination of years of hard work, dedication, and passion. It is a chance to push the boundaries of what is possible and to inspire the next generation of astronauts and space enthusiasts.

The Legacy of Sunita Williams

Sunita Williams has already left an indelible mark on the history of space exploration. Her achievements serve as a beacon of inspiration for aspiring astronauts, particularly women and individuals of Indian origin. Her participation in this mission further cements her legacy as a pioneering figure in the field.

As she prepares for this next chapter in her illustrious career, Williams continues to exemplify the qualities of courage, resilience, and unwavering commitment to exploration. Her journey serves as a reminder that space travel is not just about reaching new heights, but also about pushing the boundaries of human potential.

Conclusion: A Moment of Anticipation

The anticipation surrounding the Starliner launch is palpable. As the world watches and waits, the hopes and dreams of many are pinned on this mission. It represents a critical juncture for NASA, Boeing, and the future of human spaceflight.

For Sunita Williams, it is a chance to once again reach for the stars and to continue her remarkable journey. Whether she carries her lucky charms with her or not, her presence on this mission is a symbol of hope, perseverance, and the enduring human spirit.

As the countdown continues, we wish the best for the Starliner crew and hope for a successful launch that will mark the beginning of a new era in space exploration. The sky is not the limit; it is just the beginning.